In the chapter, the
Entrepreneurial Vlogger: Participatory Culture, Beyond the Professional-Amateur Divide, Burgess and Green address the different way the YouTube community and user base has developed. They lay out five different kinds of users, "1) formal participants; 2) casual users; 3) active participants; 4) YouTube or "tubers"; and 5) YouTube "celebrities"" (93) The participatory culture creates a variety of individuals who fall under the umbrella of "ordinary user", who - in varying ways - play off the idea of 'broadcast yourself'. Some are not broadcasting
themselves; some are broadcasting an idea or a product.The common thread being that they use the blurred line between amateur and professional to participate in and draw an audience from the community. The community aspect created by YouTube means it once again blurs the line between a content/information source and a social site.
And then along came
MixBit - with the tag line "The future of video is launching soon." As outlined in
this article, MixBit is created by the founders of YouTube. They announced the sight in light of the April Fools joke about Youtube shutting down.
It has yet to launch. Currently if you go the site, you have the option to sign up for their newsletter and receive an invite when the site is officially launched.
Chad Hurley, one of YouTube's three co-founders, describes the purpose of the site as having "flexibility for people to work together and create content."
This takes the community and amateur aspects of YouTube to a whole new level. Looking at the place hold picture on the site displays that all by itself. The mobile phone as the mode for capture and creation puts the site in the hands of the user - quite literally. The breakdown of Youtube users laid out by Burgess and Green are blurred and collapsed as there are only amateur users - anyone with a smart phone! Additionally, Hurley uses the words 'work together', this tags the site as a place for social creative interaction. So while the community and blurred intersecting sectors present may have been a bit of an accident or social evolution. MixBit is very purposefully embracing the social and creative Amateur. While, as mentioned earlier, YouTube users may be amateurs presenting themselves, ideas or a product, Mixbit users with presenting their world view, their reality, the reality of the amateur.
(The original version of this post can be found