Saturday, February 1, 2014

What is technology?

I was drawing a blank on what to talk about in this week's short post (lets blame it on my sick-brain). Because of this I found myself ruminating on the various basics of our class discussions. Quite obviously, the word "technology" kept coming up over and over again in my thoughts.

I am quite often facinated by the differences between the connotations and denotations of words. And I wanted to see if technology was another word in which meanings got twisted and misrepresented on their way out of the dictionary and into our culture. I wanted to see what denotations of the word "technology" were -- what did the dictionary have to say about this household term?

So, logically, I googled it!
Below are the first two results:

This first definition is Google's definition. It is very simply and to the point. Next comes the first sentence of the general Wikipedia article on Technology:

This version is less simple and more accuratly displays the twisting (not inherently bad or good) that cultural usage can have on a word. Ideas of problem solving and improving emerge and to some degree overshadow the underlying ideas of the simple application of scientific knowledge.

I think it's amazing what such a little word can come to mean -- come to represent. And if we fully want to explore it's impact, we need to go back to some more basic platforms.

What does the word "technology" mean for you?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting how the first definition emphasizes "industry" while the second one seems to me to have more of a general cast to its definition with the idea of "tools." That idea of tools make me think of Whole Earth too..
